
October 5 2024 - Bug fixes


  • General bug fixes with latest posts block

October 2 2024 - Bug fixes


  • Fixed theme conflicts.
  • Fixed issue with list block.
  • Fixed PHP warnings.

September 25 2024 - Important bug fixes


  • Fixed a conflict with some WordPress themes causing fatal error.
  • Modified latest posts query to ignore cached results. To provide accurate posts per date selected.

September 19 2024 - Important bug fixes


  • Fixed an issue that caused latests posts block send incorrect number of posts when used in automation.
  • Fixed issues with copying/pasting paragraphs, lists, and headings content into the editor.
  • Increased API timeout to fix campaigns that sometimes were failing due to low timeout setting.
  • Fixed PHP warnings

September 5 2024 - Bugfix


  • Fixed an issue that occured sometimes when clicking on post count in category/tag pages.

August 14 2024 - Bugfix


  • Fixed CSS issue with send test email button.

August 13 2024

3.0.8 - Security fix and other improvements


  • Onboarding newsletter is rebuilt using v3 blocks.
  • Improved onboarding UI.


  • Fixed an issue that possibly allowed ESP API key to be sent through email.
  • Fixed issues that caused incorrect documentation links.

August 3 2024

3.0.7 - Redesigned templates and patterns


  • All default templates and patterns have been redesigned to use V3 blocks.
  • Added new filters to force default newsletter font using hooks.
  • Removed depracated Gutenberg functions.


  • Fixed an issue with post embeds block.
  • Fixed labels display in post embed block.
  • Fixed errors that appeared in the console.
  • All javascript code has passed ESLINT fixes. (For developers)

July 18 2024 - Compatibility with WordPress 6.6


  • Major compatibility bugfixes are issued for WordPress 6.6+.

July 14 2024

3.0.6 - Important bug fixes


  • You can now schedule two different automations to run at the same time.
  • Fixed issue with Tahoma font family when viewed on iOS devices.
  • Fixed styling issues with Outlook dark mode.
  • Fixed css issue with admin headings.
  • Fixed issue that caused newsletter templates to take very long time to load.
  • Fixed an issue that caused images to stretch outside columns block.
  • Removed subject line setting from sidebar as it was unnecessary.
  • Fixed depracated Gutenberg functions.

June 26 2024

3.0.5 - Improvements & bug fixes


  • Added divider support for latest posts block.
  • Added divider support for post embed block.


  • Fixed issue with Spacer block.
  • Fixed issue that caused font size to be incorrect in latest post and post embed block.
  • Fixed issue with display of V2 blocks.
  • Fixed general plugin issues on installations.

June 8 2024 - Bug fixes


  • Fixed issue with Spacer block.
  • Fixed issue that caused test emails using Brevo to fail.
  • Fixed an issue with Table block.
  • Fixed issue with Sendgrid.
  • Fixed general PHP warnings and notices.

May 30 2024 - Bug fixes


  • Fixed allowed blocks for columns and container blocks.
  • Fixed table block issues.
  • Fixed an issue with MailChimp segments.
  • Fixed general plugin conflicts.

May 10 2024

3.0.4 - Small improvements


  • Added an option to turn off plugin CSS from blog view for newsletters.

April 30 2024

3.0.3 - Introduce new v3 blocks

New features

  • Version 3 brings 20 new blocks to our email builder. We completely rebuilt our custom newsletter blocks to make them more powerful. And built basic blocks like text and headings from scratch to replace the core WordPress blocks. This gives you more control over the styling, less theme conflicts and a better what-you-see-is-what-you-get email building experience.
  • All our new blocks also have mobile styling options.
Note: The old blocks and core WordPress blocks will no longer be editable in the new v3 editor. They are still viewable by site visitors, but you will no longer be able to edit them. To continue using your templates, you will also need to replace all your old blocks with new blocks. To learn more, go to

April 14 2024

2.3.1 - Updated Klavyio, and bug fixes


  • Sendinblue is now Brevo.
  • Changed Klaviyo API endpoints.


  • Fixed issues with emails when viewed on outlook mobile.
  • Fixed email background on specific email client/template.
  • Fixed email editor issues with WP 6.5
  • Fixed issue that affected date queries in the latest posts block.
  • Fixed template styles button.
  • Fixed JS issues when loading site editor.

March 25 2024 - Bug fixes


  • Fixed issue with table styles.
  • Fixed issues when copying blocks like list and images.
  • Fixed issue with ESP connection screen.

February 25 2024 - Bug fixes


  • Fixed a conflict with Gutenberg plugin.
  • Fixed font size on mobile for latest posts and post embed block.
  • Fixed mobile responsiveness issues that caused text to appear small.
  • Fixed an issue with separator block on mobile view.
  • Fixed spacing between text in latest posts block.

February 16 2024

2.3.0 - New (v3) blocks


  • Added brand new v3 blocks to the editor to ease the transition into NG v3. Users can start using v3 blocks from this version onwards.

February 13 2024 - Bug fixes


  • Fixed an issue with latest posts excerpt length.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Sendy lists to fail.
  • Fixed styling issues with the editor.

December 11 2023

2.2.8 - Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added new filter "newsletterglue_before_lp_title_link" to allow customizing output before title in latest posts block.


  • Fixed issue with labels display in latest posts block
  • Fixed an issue that caused invalid posts to appear in search results (Related to automations and logs)
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect excerpt length to display (conflict with some themes)

November 23 2023

2.2.7 - Send test newsletters to multiple emails


  • You can now send test newsletters to multiple emails


  • Fixed an excerpt length issue that occured with specific themes

November 17 2023 - Small bug fixes


  • Fixed block issues related to recent WordPress core update (Form, Author and Metadata newsletter blocks)

October 8 2023 - Small bug fixes


  • Fixed a conflict that caused incorrect permissions with specific roles plugins.

October 6 2023

2.2.6 - Improved UTM parameters support


  • You can now use custom UTM parameters on specific URLs which won't be overwritten by the UTM builder features.

September 15 2023 - Small bug fixes


  • Fixed issue that caused extra HTML tag appear at the end of email when a button was used in the email content.

September 8 2023

2.2.5 - Added social share support


  • Added support to social share block.
  • Updated Brevo assets.
  • Auto-unsubscribe link feature has been disabled by default. You can still use newsletterglue_auto_unsub_link hook to enable it.


  • Fixed issue that caused spacing issues between nested containers content.
  • Fixed php warnings related to remote images.

September 3 2023 - Small bug fixes


  • Fixed extra image attributes that caused alignment issues.
  • Fixed error message handling from MailerLite (when the account is not eligible to send campaigns).
  • Fixed Mailchimp issue where segments could take very long to load and request time out.
  • Fixed CSS issues in the plugin top bar.

August 21 2023 - Small bug fixes


  • Fixed a PHP warning that occurs during automated sends.
  • Fixed an issue with post date block styling.
  • Fixed an issue that caused sticky posts to appear in the latest posts block.
  • Fixed an issue that caused buttons to duplicate in Outlook emails.
  • Fixed image size issues in Outlook emails.

July 7 2023 - Small bug fixes


  • Fixed an issue that caused Mailchimp segments to take long time to load.
  • Fixed email verification issues with the new MailerLite API (v2).

July 7 2023

2.2.4 - Moved custom CSS to Global styles


  • Moved custom CSS to global styles.
  • Added background support to column block.
  • Added full margin support to columns block.
  • Added reply-to field to connection settings.


  • Fixed an issue that caused some images to break on mobile.
  • Fixed thumbnails in the latest posts block.
  • Screen options now appear in the top of screen inside NG post types.

June 26 2023

2.2.3 - Added Flipboard to social share icons block


  • Added Flipboard to social share icons block.


  • Fixed a plugin conflict with Elementor plugin.

June 10 2023 - Small fixes


  • Added a filter to allow overriding CSS for post embed block images.


  • Fixed a plugin conflict with Progress Map plugin.

May 18 2023 - New automation options and fixes


  • Added the option to schedule automation to run multiple days a week.
  • Added new date options to the latest posts block.


  • Fixed a user permission issue that caused the newsletter meta box to sometimes not appear.

May 3 2023 - Small fixes for email builder


  • Removed unnecessary API call from every page load.
  • You can now set a reply-to email address when using Campaign Monitor to send a campaign.
  • Added a filter to customize campaign data (e.g. set language) for MailerLite.


  • Fixed a small issue with latest posts date selection when using the Weekly digest template.
  • Fixed issue when duplicating author block inside Newsletter Glue.
  • Fixed some PHP notices.
  • Fixed link colors.

April 24 2023 - Small fixes for email builder


  • Fixed a bug with latest posts excerpt.

April 16 2023 - Small fixes for email builder


  • Fixed a React issue that caused the editor to break when using some of our blocks
  • Merge tags were not included correctly inside links. This is now fixed.

April 6 2023 - Small fixes for email builder


  • Fixed issue with the editor after latest WP update
  • Enabled the "buttons" block inside NG columns
  • Fixed issue with some links when used in the post embed block

March 22 2023 - Tiny fixes for email builder


  • Added filter to disable auto unsubscribe link
  • Added autocomplete support for NG form block
  • Updated the built-in plugin support form
  • Enabled buttons block to be used in the NG columns block


  • Fixed an issue that caused incompatible blocks to show in the email CPT
  • Fixed an issue that caused custom posts type to fail when used in latest posts block
  • Fixed mobile responsiveness issues for specific images

March 16 2023 - CampaignMonitor Agency account compatibility


  • Added CampaignMonitor API updates
  • Conditionally load NG assets only in NG specific pages


  • Fixed an issue with excerpts in latest posts block
  • Fixed mobile responsiveness issues with latest posts block
  • Fixes HTML markup issues in email

March 9 2023 - Tiny fixes


  • Add a filter to customize the thumbnail size for the latest posts block


  • Fixed issue when using remote urls from non-English sites in the post embed block
  • Fixed issue that caused featured image to show when it is disabled in the latest posts block
  • Fixed titles appearing before email content in some email clients

March 1 2023 - Fixed post embed block duplication issues


  • Fix duplication issues with post embed block
  • Fixed timeout issue with Brevo integration

February 23 2023 - New in-plugin support form


  • Revamped the built-in support system.


  • Fixed Brevo campaign sending issues.
  • Fixed an issue with ActiveCampagin where not all segments were showing

February 13 2023 - Fixed mobile styling issues


  • Fixed mobile styling issues

February 7 2023 - Code passes WordPress VIP Go standards


  • Code improved to pass the WordPress-VIP-Go coding standards scan

February 4 2023


  • More PHPCS code updates.
  • Enabled forcing logo display through new filter: newsletterglue_show_logo

February 1 2023


  • MailerLite v2 (New API) is now supported.
  • Customtaxonomies support for latest posts block added.
  • Allowed font family to be set per container, button (ignoring global font family)


  • Fixed latest posts block alignment.
  • Improved the code library. PHPCS compatibility and error fixes.

January 24 2023


  • Post date block is now optimised for emails
  • Post date block can be used within the NG columns block
  • Improved the form block UI.


  • After setting a default template, new newsletters were creating from a blank template instead. This is now fixed.
  • When ESP connection fails in the settings, it was not possible to remove/edit the connection without going to the onboarding. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed date block alignment
  • Font-size on mobile was incorrectly set. This is now fixed.

January 12 2023


  • Fixed JS errors caused by default template patterns
  • Save as draft was being set as the default behavior for newsletters. This is now fixed.
  • Sometimes scheduled emails would not send out due to PHP errors. This is now fixed.
  • Setting colors for inline text was not working. This is now fixed.

December 20 2022


New features

  • Automated email digests: Build automated emails and schedule them.
  • Global styles: This replaces the newsletter theme designer using Gutenberg core components for a faster, more familiar experience.
  • Template styles: You can now create styles at a template level so that you can create multiple newsletters with completely different designs. This includes setting background and container colors, fonts, and more.


  • Newsletter theme designer: We have now retired the newsletter logo, featured image, and blog title options in the newsletter theme designer. To add these options, please do so directly in your templates.
  • Only use custom CSS: We have removed this option completely.


  • Updated admin menu
  • Custom CSS: This has moved to the bottom of Global styles
  • ActiveCampaign: Segment selection now works properly in ActiveCampaign.

December 16 2022

New features

  • UTM code: Add UTM codes to each newsletter you send out for analytics.


  • Social sharing block: Added email and web icons and options
  • Latest post block: Multiple posts now show excerpts instead of text directly from the post.
  • Latest post block: Filtered out short codes from full post.
  • Send as newsletter metabox: From name now includes special characters.

November 16 2022


  • Fixed nested NG container blocks email formatting.


  • Fixed license key connection issues during onboarding.

October 18 2022


  • Latest post block: Changed the block from dynamic to static. You will now have to click Update block to display any content or filter changes.

October 4 2022

  • Fixed bug with image size when post embed orientation was full

September 27 2022



  • Fixed display issue for Latest Posts block.

September 22 2022


New features

  • Latest posts block: Easily create email digests with the latest posts block. Set filters to dynamically create a list of latest posts. Filter by categories, post types, author, and more. Display single or multiple posts. Customise the design.

August 27 2022



  • Social follow block: Added Pinterest to social share block
  • Post embed block: Added ability to toggle on/off excerpts
  • Post embed block: Remove excerpt length limits


  • Fixed bug causing post embeds in templates to take on links added in newsletters.
  • Fixed metadata and columns breaking in default templates
  • Angela's bug

July 23 2022


New features

  • [Newsroom tier only] - Conditional content for all email service providers. Show content to specific tags or custom fields based on pre-set conditions.


  • Added CSS color variables compatibility.

July 12 2022



  • Fixed bug causing transparent backgrounds to display a default blue.

July 1 2022


New features

  • Conditional content for ActiveCampaign and Sendgrid. Show content to specific tags or custom fields based on pre-set conditions. For Newsroom tier only.

June 27 2022



  • Fixed button colour selector bug caused by WordPress v.6 compatibility.
  • Sendgrid integration: Fixed PHP error when Sendgrid is connected.

June 22 2022



  • Sendy: Breaking change: Add label for brand and lists. You no longer need to put the ID but can actually search and select the actual names of brands and lists. This only works for Sendy v.6. Newsletter Glue no longer works for older versions of Sendy.


  • Mobile text size: Fixed issue causing the theme designer mobile text size selector not to work.
  • Text colour: Fixed WordPress v.6 compatibility issue causing default text colours not to work.

June 15 2022



  • Reduced email size by ~10%.
  • Added padding and margin options for all Newsletter Glue blocks
  • Added email size checker inside email preview so you have an indication if your email will be cut off by gmail.
  • Subscriber form: You can now make checkbox and name fields required


  • Subscriber form: Fixed bug in the checkbox text area.

May 24 2022


New features

  • Introducing templates
    • 10 new template designs.
    • Build, edit and manage your own templates.
    • Select an active template that auto-loads for new newsletters.

May 10 2022



  • Fixed issue preventing columns width from working on web.
  • Fixed container full width issues.
  • Fixed minor button alignment issues.
  • Enable metadata, author byline, social follow blocks in NG columns block.

May 2 2022


New features

  • Introducing our new Column block.

April 25 2022



  • Formatting improvements
  • Segments and tags are now displayed in alphabetical order.
  • Improved plugin performance: nglue_demo_init hook is now run inside admin_init only instead of every page load (init)


  • Post embed block: Fixed AJAX error preventing text from being saved when typing too quickly.
  • Post embed block: Read more text can now be edited.
  • Fixed show/hide block causing the email preview to break in mobile.
  • Mailjet integration: Now displaying secret key in onboarding so that Mailjet integration can be correctly connected using onboarding wizard.

March 30 2022


  • Mailjet: Made title the same as campaign name, not subject line.

March 16 2022


New integrations

  • Aweber is now integrated with Newsletter Glue. Get it with the Publisher or above license tiers.

March 7 2022



  • Add your own fonts: You can now add custom fonts to your email template by adding body, body td, *{font-family: Roboto;} into the custom css. Be sure to add fallbacks though, as most email clients only recognise basic fonts (the ones we include in the theme editor).
  • Removed the feedback form on deactivation.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.9 FSE site editor.

February 18 2022



  • For new purchases, the Writer license now limits you to 6 email service providers: Mailchimp, MailerLite, Mailjet, Moosend, Sendy, and Sendgrid.
  • For new purchases, the publisher license gives you all 11 email service providers: Mailchimp, MailerLite, Mailjet, Moosend, Sendy, Sendgrid, ActiveCampaign, CampaignMonitor, GetResponse, Brevo, and Klaviyo.
  • For new purchases, the publisher license now gives you access to User roles & permissions management as well as static site compatibility.


  • Added line breaks compatibility


  • Post embed block: When duplicating a post, changes made to the links in the duplicated post will also be reflected in the original. This is now fixed.
  • Post embed block in patterns: There was a bug causing post embed blocks in patterns to retain links from newsletters where the pattern was added. This is now fixed.

February 8 2022



  • Post embed block: You can now choose if you want to "Open links in a new tab" in the admin panel.


  • Fixed blocks alignment due to WordPress 5.9 upgrade.
  • Fixed list formatting. There's now more spacing between each list item.

January 31 2022


New features

  • Copy email HTML button - When previewing your email in a new tab, you can now copy your email HTML with a single click.

January 19 2022


New features

This is the first release of Newsletter Glue version 2. Rather than ship a completely new plugin, we'll be updating the plugin in stages. As we're a small team, this helps us avoid bugs, prevent breaking changes, and fix issues quickly.
  • Settingshas a completely new UI using React + Gutenberg components. Access at Newsletters > Settings.
  • Email defaults is now a part of Connections. Access at Newsletters > Settings > Connections tab.
  • Updated Patterns UI. Access at Newsletters > Templates & Styles > Pattern templates tab.
  • Moved Newsletter theme designer to Templates & Settings. UI remainsthe same. Access at Newsletters > Templates & Styles > Theme designer tab.


  • ActiveCampaign connection: Previously, when no list was selected, email will send to all lists. This is now fixed.

November 4 2021



  • Miscellaneous bug fixes: Fixed multiple formatting issues with email templates and image sizes.

October 19 2021


New features

  • Custom URL slug: You can now change the newsletter custom post type slug by heading to Newsletters > Settings > Additional.
  • Static site URL substitute: For Publisher license tier and above, you can now easily substitute URLs for static sites.


  • You can now style the Separator block by adding thickness-[pixel] to advanced custom CSS class. For example, thickness-5 for 5 pixel thick separator.
  • You can now prevent column block from wrapping by adding ngl-no-wrap to advanced custom CSS class of the relevant column.
  • Add ability to reset user permissions.


  • Fixed issue causing newsletters custom post type to force fullscreen editor mode. It will now follow whatever setting you have chosen.
  • Fixed issue causing email subject line, preview text and segment/lists to get stripped when switching between users.

October 1 2021


New integrations

  • Moosend is now available as an integration.


  • Relaunch onboarding wizard in Settings > Additional
  • Removed non-newsletter patterns from Newsletter custom post type to avoid confusion as those patterns are not email optimized.


  • Fixed bug causing & symbol to break in the subject line.

September 17 2021


New integrations

  • SendGrid integration now available
  • Mailjet integration now available


  • Improved design of Preview email html so that the preview window is bigger.
  • Add onboarding restart to settings.


  • Fixed issue with loading segments dynamically for Mailchimp.
  • Fixed encoding issues when using special characters in email title/subject.

September 3 2021


New features

  • Klaviyo integration now available for new Newsroom tier


  • Users can now use hooks and filters to create and style their own custom email templates.
  • Editor user role can now Send as newsletter.
  • Out of beta! We're finally moving out of beta and removing that label from the WP dashboard.

August 29 2021


  • Tweaked the plugin code to enable 3rd party ESP integrations.

August 27 2021



  • Post embed block: Added Read more link option to the end of each post excerpt.
  • Post embed block: Added domain name as the default label for each post.
  • Email preview: Improved the email preview feature by introducing support for desktop/mobile preview.
  • Archives: You can now rename the default newsletter archive category.
  • Save as draft: When selected, the Send as newsletter toggle will now say Save as draft instead in order to reduce confusion.
  • Reduce plugin file size by using core components.
  • Image resizing: You can now prevent images from resizing on mobile devices by adding the class ngl-keep-width to any image block.


  • Direct image block was not wrapped in a table in an email. This is now fixed.
  • You could not add custom classes to images that were center aligned. This is now fixed.
  • Images were not displaying on some email clients on mobile. This is now fixed.
  • Margin set by Theme Designer was not displaying in email clients. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed issues with code block and using <> tags in emails.
  • Fixed issue that prevented post embeds block from displaying properly when added inside a Container block.

August 18 2021


  • Fixed post embed links disappearing on mobile due to Gutenberg 5.8 update.

July 31 2021


  • Due to the Gutenberg 5.8 update, when a pattern containing a post embed block was added to a newsletter, and posts were added to it, those same posts would also be reflected in the pattern. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed styling issues with separator block.

July 28 2021


  • Removed relying on external library (Material Icons) to boost performance
  • Plugin package file is now reduced by 60%


  • Fixed Youtube thumbnail width when used in NG container block
  • Fixed issue with post embeds block that caused the first item to show in an incorrect order inside the post editor

July 26 2021


New features

  • New default patterns
  • New patterns wizard
  • New onboarding wizard


  • Fixed default font issues as a result of WordPress 5.8 and theme json
  • Fixed a conflict with WooCommerce MailerLite plugin
  • Fixed deprecated functions as a result of WordPress 5.8 core update

July 7 2021


New features

  • Mergetags are now available for ActiveCampaign, GetResponse, Brevo and Sendy.


  • Fixed a bug causing newsletter patterns to be auto-added when you click on add block and navigate to the pattern tab.

July 1 2021


  • Added maximum width option for logos in the Newsletter Theme Designer
  • You can now choose font size for metadata block.


  • Fixed logo auto width issues causing logos sizes to display incorrectly.
  • Added "add another button" back to core button block.
  • Fixed default font sizes not showing up in newsletters.

June 25 2021


  • Renamed Social sharing block to Social follow block to better represent its use case.
  • Changed "Seamlessly sent by Newsletter Glue" to "Built with Newsletter Glue"
  • Added the word "Newsletter" to the start of all newsletter pattern categories. For example, "Header" is now "Newsletter header".


  • Fixed theme default font sizes not showing up in newsletters.

June 24 2021


New features

  • Mergetags are now available for CampaignMonitor
  • New block! Social sharing block. Add icons and links to your social media accounts to your newsletter.


  • Added {{update_preferences}} mergetag.
  • You can now drag and drop blocks into our container block or show/hide block.
  • Added padding options to the top and bottom of the newsletter. Available in Newsletter Theme Designer
  • Custom HTML block is now available in the newsletter editor.
  • Mailchimp now uses WordPress post title as the campaign title for better campaign management.


  • Fixed This block contains unexpected or invalid content. Attempt block recovery notification. It should no longer show up.
  • Fixed formatting issue in archive shortcode.
  • Fixed image sizing and alignment issues.
  • Fixed hidden blocks showing up in the RSS feed.
  • Fixed post embed block showing double posts in RSS feed.
  • Enabled archive pagination. To avoid 404 errors, head to WP Admin > Settings > Permalinks and click on Save Changes. This will help flush there write rules. You do not need to make any actual changes inside the settings.
  • Fixed images duplicating when a link is used in the image caption.
  • Fixed bug causing Newsletter Glue meta box in the classic editor to break Yoast SEO and other javascript.

June 7 2021


New features

  • Mergetags are now available for MailerLite


  • Added option to link featured image to post in Newsletter Theme Designer.
  • Added Linkedin to the Author Byline block.
  • All public custom post types are now searchable inside the Post Embed block.


  • Fixed post embed invalid URLs issues.
  • Fixed post embed padding issues.
  • Fixed metadata block. It will now always show the publish date of the post.
  • Fixed unsubscribe message width issue on mobile.

June 3 2021


  • Fixed post embed block duplication. Duplicated post embed blocks are now unlinked so that changes you've made to one block will no longer be reflected in the other.
  • Fixed adding post embed blocks inside patterns. Posts added to a post embed block inside a pattern no longer display everywhere the pattern is added. You will have to create a new pattern and add a new post embed block for the fix to work.
  • Fixed block editor toolbar. Some features like undo, redo and list view of blocks were missing in v.1.3.4 (the previous version)

May 30 2021


New features

  • Mergetags are now available for Mailchimp users.


  • Post embeds now look for post excerpts first by default. If there's no excerpt, the summary will be taken from post content.
  • Added tags to newsletters.
  • Improved formatting of newsletter archive.


  • Fixed padding issue in post embed block.
  • Subscriber form block now works even for custom post types where Newsletter Glue is not enabled.
  • Fixed issue causing captions to disappear from images.

May 18 2021



  • Added category and public archive functionality. The default category is called "archive", butyou can rename this to the name of your newsletter.
  • Added [newsletterglue_archive sortby=categories] and [newsletterglue_archivesortby=latest] shortcodes. Add this to any page or post to show an archive of your newsletters.
  • Added Preview button to the newsletter and patterns editor.
  • You can now select between email html or blog theme for displaying your newsletter on your website.
  • Cleaned up testing options in patterns editor. You can now send test email and preview in new tab.
  • Subscriber form portrait orientation is now centred by default.


  • Fixed js cache issue preventing some newsletters from sending.
  • Fixed bug causing slashes to be inserted in From Name when apostrophes were present.
  • Fixed bug in Connect page when an invalid API key is entered causing the plugin to show the wrong screen.

May 10 2021



  • You could not create links in images. This is now fixed.
  • The Newsletter and Pattern Editors would default to classic editor if you have that plugin installed. This is now fixed and the editors will now default to the Gutenberg block editor.

May 4 2021


New features

  • Introducing the Newsletter Editor. It's still in beta but you can now create newsletters separately from blog posts. You can also build your own newsletter patterns (which can only be used in the newsletter editor right now).The newsletter editor also reflects styling from the Newsletter Theme Designer so that you can see exactly what your subscribers will see while you write your newsletter. We'll be adding lots more functionality to this in the upcoming weeks and months, but wanted to get the basic features out to you as soon as possible.
  • Callout card block is now renamed Container block. This better reflects its features. You can now toggle full width for container blocks, allowing you to create sections in your newsletter.


  • Mailchimp merge tags were not working properly due to an encoding issue with our internal newsletter API. This is now fixed.
  • On specific setups, adding posts in post embed block was not possible because of a JS error. This is now fixed.
  • ctrl+s to update and send posts was not working properly. Now, ctrl+s works exactly the same as if you clicked the update button.


  • Major UX Improvement: You can now select text and background colour directly from the Color settings pre-defined colours.
  • Major design Improvement: Removed margins feature in all our custom blocks for more consistentformatting in email clients. To add spacing, please use the spacer block for more consistentmargins.
  • Sendy users can now select anonymous tracking.
  • When duplicating a post now, the settings will be taken to new post. Only without the status / history.
  • When duplicating a post now, the settings will be taken to new post. Only without the status / history.
  • Email template size has been reduced by 50-60%, which means faster load times and lowered risk of clipping in Gmail.
  • Post embed formatting for internal posts written with the classic editor has been improved.
  • Outlook formatting has been further improved for buttons and spacers.

April 6 2021



  • Duplicate media query causing post embed posts to show up twice in mobile.

March 24 2021



  • Block quotes are now formatted consistently across email clients

March 23 2021



  • Major improvement - Complete restructure of template system: We've completely reconstructed our template system so that our emails are formatted well across most email clients including Outlook.
  • Major improvement-Closer integration between block editor and newsletters: It's now much easier to make small formatting changes in the block editor that will show up in newsletters. For example, alignment.
  • View online links now contain a hash as part of the URL for security. The hash is only valid for that specific post/newsletter. So if the hash is wrong or someone tried to change the post ID it won't work.
  • Formatting for post embeds block: You can now add simple formatting to the post embed block like bold, italics and underline by using keyboard shortcuts. You can also create new paragraphs.
  • Author byline follow button: You can now toggle on/off the follow button in the author byline.
  • Sendy form integration: You can now add subscribers to your Sendy email list using our subscriber forms.
  • Back up fonts: We've now added back up fonts to the email template so that if your chosen font is not available in your subscriber's email client, fall back options will be automatically loaded.


  • List CSS for font size did not follow paragraph CSS. This is now fixed.
  • Sendy tracking was not working due to CSS issue causing tracking to always be turned on. This is now fixed.

March 5, 2021



  • Updated the way notifications appear once your newsletter has been sent or scheduled. This makes it clearer that a newsletter has been sent.
  • Improved post scheduling workflow:
    • You can now unschedule posts inside the Send as newsletter metabox.
    • Scheduled post status can now be seen in the newsletter status log.
  • For MailerLite and Sendy users: Added ability to customize unsubscribe link
  • For Sendy users: Added option to toggle on/off tracking
  • Made it easier to add license key when first activating the plugin


  • Fixed bug causing broken formatting when there's a very long word without line breaks.

February 23, 2021



  • Bug fix for Firefox users: Fixed bug preventing the sending of newsletters from Firefox in the previous release.

February 21, 2021


New integrations

  • Sendy is now integrated!

February 9, 2021



  • We've made huge improvements to our publishing workflow. Our new "Send as newsletter" interface is cleaner and dramatically reduces the chances of you accidentally sending emails when publishing or updating your post.

January 31, 2021


New integrations

  • GetResponse is now integrated!


  • List styling now follows paragraph styling.


  • Bug fix for Brevo users: Fixed bug causing unverified emails to be wrongly marked as verified. This was preventing emails from getting sent.

January 26, 2021



  • Fixed bug in email preview that prevented post embeds from showing up in the web-based preview email.

January 26, 2021


New integrations

  • ActiveCampaign is now integrated!

New features

  • Option to link newsletter logo to your website. Make this change in the Newsletter theme designer.
  • Option to link headline to blog post. Make this change in the Newsletter theme designer.
  • Metadata block: Option to link "Read online" to web version of email. Previously, "Read online" would link to the blog post. This features is useful if you have different content in your email newsletter vs your blog post. Subscribers who want to view your email on the web will now get to see your newsletter-only content.


  • Subscriber form: Made styling improvements to landscape view of subscriber form.

January 8, 2021



  • Bug fix for Mailchimp: Preview text was not displaying for newsletters sent via Mailchimp. This is now fixed.

January 7, 2021



  • Bug fix for post embeds: Previously, when you added two post embed blocks, only the first one would show up. Now you can add as many post embed blocks as you like.

January 7, 2021


New features

  • Auto-format social embeds. We've styled Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, Soundcloud and Spotify embeds (with more to come). Just paste the link and it will auto-format in your email. Note that the style and information will be slightly different than on the blog as we aren't able to render JS in email.


  • Massively improved the UI of the post embed block.


  • Bug fix for CampaignMonitor: Fixed a bug that caused newsletter to be sent to only one list when selecting multiple lists.
  • Bug fix for Brevo: Fixed a bug that caused sending newsletter to fail, because of an encoding issue.

December 26, 2020


New features

  • Post embed block: Great for weekly round up-type newsletters. Bulk add internal and external links. When you add a new link, it auto-loads the post header, excerpt and featured image to save you lots of time. There are also lots of styling options to help you stand out from the crowd.

December 16, 2020


New features

  • Strip Newsletter Glue's default CSS: This is a feature for advanced users who want to completely remove all our CSS from their emails and replace it with their own.


  • In-line CSS: We've rebuilt our plugin so that all CSS is inserted inline. There are many advantages, including: we use less code (loads faster, cleaner, less chance of clipping) and forwarded emails retain their styling.
  • Preview email in new tab: Next to "Send test email" you'll now find a "Preview email" button. This lets you quickly preview emails in your browser, instead of sending a test email every time.
  • Add text alignment in Callout cards: You can now align text in the settings sidebar.
  • CampaignMonitor users must select a list ID before sending an email: Blank ID lists now can see an error message and sending is disabled. Previously, we allowed users to send emails without selecting a list. Emails would then get stuck on the backend as CampaignMonitor requires a list in order to send.


  • Bug fix for Mailchimp audiences: Previously only showed up to 10 audiences. We now show the maximum 1000 audiences.

December 3, 2020


Double confirmation: Send as newsletter checkbox

New features

  • We've added a double confirmation when sending updated newsletters. Next to Your email is ready to publish notification, you'll now see an additional checkbox. Your workflow when publishing a new newsletter will remain the same. This new checkbox is automatically checked for you, but you can uncheck it. However, your updating workflow is now improved. This new checkbox is un-checked for posts that are being updated. This solves the problem of saving an updated post and accidentally sending out a newsletter. Only check this box once you're ready.

Subscriber form

  • New feature Added text beneath button
  • New feature Added checkbox form field. Includes option to select additional list for checkbox.This is useful for GDPR, but can be used for other purposes.

Callout card

  • Improvement: Add font color option.


  • Bug fix: Metadata block was not showing reading time. After refresh, metadata block would 'break' and say that it was showing unexpected or invalid content. This is now fixed.
  • Improvement: Read online will be automatically hidden from your blog, even if you've set theme data block to show up in your blog.
  • Small UI improvements: Updated Issue element so that the word "Issue" does not need to be typed out. Removed the separator from the end.

Pro plugin activation

  • Bug fix: Activating the pro plugin when the free plugin is still activated no longer causes a fatal error. Now, activating one Newsletter Glue plugin, will simply deactivate the other.
  • Bug fix: In the newsletter theme designer, some of your selected styles were reset to default. This is now fixed.

Other improvements

  • Remove CPTs that are obviously not for posting content. Like oEmbeds, menus, custom CSS, custom fields, blocks, forms etc.


  • If a post was previously published then duplicated using the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin, its published status will also show up in the duplicated post. This is now fixed.
  • Link colour chosen in newsletter theme designer not showing up in emails for Mailchimp.



  • Added notification to add license key for updates.
  • All pro blocks are now enabled by default. Head to Newsletter Blocks to turn them off.
  • Added demo videos for subscriber form and metadata blocks. Head to Newsletter Blocks and click on "see demo".