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Turn Hours into Minutes: Leverage WordPress for Newsletter Publishing

length: 25 mins


Quick overview

Learn how you can save hours by publishing your newsletters in WordPress with Newsletter Glue. Get a tour of Newsletter Glue and learn how to set up common use cases.

Who this is for

This demo is for media companies and newsrooms with one or more established newsletters looking to reduce their production time.

What we'll cover

  1. Common pain points of newsletter publishers.
  2. Success stories of Newsletter Glue customers.
  3. Tour of Newsletter Glue
    1. Settings
    2. Create a newsletter template
    3. Publish a newsletter
    4. Faster publishing with Automated Emails
    5. Conduct experiments quickly with Patterns

Additional info

Feel free to ask questions at any point during the demo. If our team is online, we will answer you in real time. If not, we'll reply you via email.