List of known plugin and theme conflicts Here’s a list of all known plugin and theme conflicts that we are unable to fix on our end. Where...
Save drafts – When sending test emails the latest revisions don’t appear If your latest revisions don’t appear when you send a test email, the most likely reason is that you didn’t...
Email not sent: I published my newsletter but it got stuck in drafts in the email service provider You successfully published your email from WordPress but noticed that it didn’t get sent to your subscribers and instead got...
From email: Use verified email address When sending email newsletters, your From email needs to use an email address that is verified in your email service provider or...
Email size checker: Prevent Gmail clipping Gmail clips emails that are approximately 102kb in length. This means that any content past this size will get clipped...
Having problems with v3? Rollback to v2.3. If you’re having urgent problems with v3, rollback to v2.3 to restore Newsletter Glue and your site. We’ve made v2.3...
How to replace old blocks with new v3 blocks With version 3, your old v2 blocks and core WordPress blocks will no longer be editable. They are still viewable...