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The wonderful world of wizards and patterns.

Brand new onboarding wizard

New users will be treated to a brand new onboarding wizard that also features some personalisation options. We redesigned everything, rewrote our demo post and, most importantly, rebuilt it from scratch using React and core WordPress components.

Why we built this + backstory: This was our first attempt at using React and core components. It was tough as there isn’t much documentation or precedence out there. Our goal is to move 100% to React + core in the next year or so. But it’ll be slow going as Adrian Tobey mentions in this Tweet.

Introducing default patterns and the patterns wizard

Default patterns are patterns we’ve designed for you. We’ve designed over a dozen header and footer patterns with more coming soon. You can access them by going to Newsletters > Settings > Templates & Styles.

The patterns wizard allows you to personalise default patterns with your name, physical address, social media handles and logo. This means your default patterns are ready to go immediately. And don’t require you to individually edit patterns once you’ve inserted them.

Why we built this + backstory: This was a long time coming. We’ve been wanting to build these since last year as templates are a basic feature in all newsletter builders. At the same time, we had to wait and watch as the patterns feature developed in Gutenberg before we could make a move. We’re pretty happy with how they turned out.


Don’t stop at header and footer patterns, create a full newsletter pattern instead.

How to: Create a new pattern, then drag and drop your favourite default header and footer patterns. Add any recurring headers or sections. Then save the entire pattern under the Newsletter Full Layout category. When it’s next time to write a new newsletter, add this pattern at the start and save yourself lots of time!

Product updates 🧰

Other key things we’ve recently launched:

  • New social follow block (watch YouTube demo here)
  • Mergetags are now available for all email service providers
  • Reduced package file size by 60%

📋 Check our changelog for a comprehensive look at everything we’ve shipped this month

NG in the News 📰

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That’s it for this product update. Thanks for reading!

Lesley Sim
Co-founder of Newsletter Glue

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