Welcome to our monthly newsletter, where we publish product updates and our favourite newsletter tips. Enjoy!

New webinar


We’re launching webinars at Newsletter Glue. In the future, there will be a whole range of webinars from newsletter design, growth and more.

To start, our very first webinar titled, “Turn Hours into Minutes: Leverage WordPress for Newsletter Publishing” introduces you to Newsletter Glue and its features.

You can register to watch it here:

Register: Turn Hours into Minutes: Leverage WordPress for Newsletter Publishing – Newsletter Glue Webinars
Learn how Newsletter Glue can save you hours by enabling you to publish your newsletters in WordPress.
Register: Turn Hours into Minutes: Leverage WordPress for Newsletter Publishing – Newsletter Glue Webinars
Learn how Newsletter Glue can save you hours by enabling you to publish your newsletters in WordPress.

Quick updates on NG v.3

Yes, we’re now calling our new newsletter editor Newsletter Glue version 3! Yes, it’s a big deal! 🤩

We’ve now rebuilt all the core WordPress blocks you’d expect to use when building a newsletter (like text, headings, images, etc).

If you’d like to take NG v.3 for a test drive, I’ve created a little demo for you to play with. It’s built with instawp.com (of course). Each demo you create expires after 2 days.

Up next, we’ll be rebuilding our custom Newsletter Glue blocks. Many of these were built years ago and we’re excited to rebuild them for the new system with everything we’ve learnt so far.

Product updates 🧰

Here are some key things we’ve recently launched:

  • Add Flipboard for social icons.
  • Permanently removed the placeholder custom CSS (it now sits in Global Styles).
  • Added a reply-to field in email defaults.

📋 Check our changelog for a comprehensive look at everything we’ve shipped this month

Worth reading 📰

How we helped Wood River Properties double click-through rates and halve publishing time
Discover how we helped Wood River Properties double click through and open rates while cutting publishing time in half with Newsletter Glue.
How we helped Wood River Properties double click-through rates and halve publishing time
Discover how we helped Wood River Properties double click through and open rates while cutting publishing time in half with Newsletter Glue.
Email Newsletter Advertising Rates: A Comprehensive Guide for Publishers in 2023
Learn the secret of email newsletter advertising.
Email Newsletter Advertising Rates: A Comprehensive Guide for Publishers in 2023
Learn the secret of email newsletter advertising.

That’s it for this product update. Thanks for reading.



Lesley Sim
Co-founder of Newsletter Glue

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