From version 3 onwards, Newsletter Glue styling is baked into the email editor. This means that your web view and actual email will look the same.
However, some users might want to strip the email css from the web view.
Because they want their newsletter on the web looking more like their site’s articles and different from their emails to subscribers.
To help you achieve this, we’ve added an option in Settings > Additional that allows you to remove all of Newsletter Glue’s CSS from the web version of your newsletters.
When this box is checked, the web version of your newsletters will use your site’s theme.
How to remove email styling from web view
First, head to Newsletters > Settings > Additional.
Then scroll down to Remove email styling from web view.
Then check the box, and click save.
From there, your email styling should default to your theme’s styling. And if you would like to make any changes to the styling of your email’s web view, you can do so in your theme’s css file.
Once you do this, please note that the email builder will visually look like your emails, and not your web view.