Newsletter Glue lets you take advantage of many in-built features of the Gutenberg block editor.
Create a newsletter template
In this document, you’ll learn how to use the powerful Reusable blocks feature to create a newsletter template.
Using reusable blocks to create a newsletter template saves you time because you won’t have to build each one from scratch. It also ensures each newsletter you publish maintains a consistent style.
00:14 Turn content into a reusable block
00:20 Name your newsletter template
00:40 Add your newsletter template to a new post
00:52 Convert the template into a regular block so it can be used
Edit and delete newsletter template
This video shows you how to edit and delete content in reusable blocks. More importantly, it explains:
- The difference between editing the template itself and converting a template to a regular block so that you can write your newsletter. This is important so that you don’t accidentally write your newsletter inside the template.
- The difference between Remove from Reusable blocks and Remove Block. This is important so that you don’t accidentally permanently delete your template when you only intended to remove the bock from one blog post.
00:23 Add a newsletter template to the blog post
00:29 Convert to regular block before writing your newsletter
01:00 Make changes to the actual template
01:25 Here’s the template again, now with the new changes made
01:46 Remove newsletter templates
02:00 “Remove from Reusable blocks” vs “Remove Block”
02:23 What happens when you click “Remove Block”
02:30 What happens when you click “Remove from Reusable Blocks
Create an advanced newsletter template
Use the show/hide content block to create a more advanced newsletter template.
For example: Add an opt-in form that shows up on your blog post, but not in your email.
If you’re not familiar with show/hide content blocks go here first to learn more.
00:07 Add basic newsletter template to blog post
00:14 Add show/hide content block
00:20 Add html block 00:25 Paste code for Mailchimp opt-in form
00:30 Hide opt-in form from email newsletter
00:40 Hide footer from blog (show in email)
01:06 Select all and add to reusable block
01:42 Send test email and publish post to make sure blocks are working correctly
02:06 Check out email with footer, but no opt-in form
02:18 Check out blog post with opt-in form, but no footer
A quick note about block patterns
We’re planning to build a feature to create and save block patterns for your newsletters. This is on the horizon and we hope to work on it in the first half of 2021.