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Hey everyone!

We’re still full steam ahead on automated newsletters. The finish line is in sight and we’re at the last 10% of this race. 

As you can imagine, the last 10% is always tricky. It’s when we find all the things that don’t make sense or are broken. It’s also when we have an existential struggle with ourselves while trying to decide whether that last little feature is necessary or overkill for a new feature release.

In the meantime, here’s a sneak preview:

Here’s how you can access automated emails…

  1. We’ve updated the admin settings. To access automated emails, click on Emails then the Automated emails tab.
  2. In the 2nd column, you can see a schedule of each automation. You’ll see the sending cadence, as well as when you can expect the next one to go out.
  3. The 3rd column is the Status where you can easily turn on or off your automation.
  4. The 4th column is the email log where you can see all automated emails. Note: If you’ve set your automation to create campaign drafts, these will show up in the Campaigns tab instead.

In the good ole’ Send as newsletter metabox section, we’ve added email frequency and automation options.

You can set your email frequency to daily, weekly, every two weeks, monthly, and even two minutes for testing.

You can also select whether you want us to send the email automatically or create a campaign draft:

  • Send automatically: Useful if you want to set your emails up once, and then never worry about them again.
  • Create campaign draft: Useful if you want 90% of your newsletter to be magically built for you, so that you can simply go in, write an intro and send a test email, before publishing.

Looking for beta testers

This is a big new feature, which should save you lots of time for each newsletter.

However, there are a lot of unknowns when it comes to big new features. And while we’ve tried to release everything in tiny steps and do lots of testing to minimise problems…

There will always be unexpected issues.

So this time, rather than directly update the plugin, we’ll be trying something new. I’ll be emailing all our existing customers this week with a link to download the latest version.

Try it out, and if you have any issues or suggestions, just let me know.


Product updates 🧰

Here are some key things we improved:

  • Latest posts block: time frame + manual update
  • Template bug fix

📋 Check our changelog for a comprehensive look at everything we’ve shipped this month

Worth reading 📰

Check it out! We’re using our new Latest posts block to share these posts with you!

Grow your audience

Emojis are a great way to add personality to your written content.

Build your newsletter

Learn how to create and add reusable blocks to the editor? The WordPress block editor has transformed the way we use WordPress.

That’s it for this product update. Thanks for reading.



Lesley Sim
Co-founder of Newsletter Glue

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